MAFELL ZSX Ec/400 tronçonneuse à chaîne, 120V (chaîne non incluse)

SKU : 925530


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This is a magnificent tool for precise single-pass cuts in large beams up to 15-11/16″. The powerful ZSX Ec/400 can be easily swiveled up to 60° from side to side, making this 31 lb tool the best cross-cutting saw on the market. The ZSX Ec/400 can be used with the Universal Guide accessory for easy set-up and precise angled cuts. The chain bar can be tilted back 10° making it easier to guide the saw, especially when cross-cutting multiple timbers in a row. This saw features automatic chain lubrication with adjustable speed to minimize oil spillage on the timber. It even has a patented anti-splintering plate to prevent chipping along the cutting edge.
ETA 1 week. Confirm availability.

(1) Tronçonneuse à chaîne MAFELL ZSX Ec/400, 120V

Informations complémentaires

Poids 46.2 lbs
Dimensions 28,5 × 14,17 × 15,75 pouces
Source d'énergie





Numéros de pièces inclus



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